2022 COVID-19 Protocols
Updated: 01/17/2022
Approaching the 2022 race calendar we will be keeping a close eye on national, state, and local safety guidelines for our events and changing event structure as needed to provide a safe event for our racers. As always, BGMC encourages you to be safe at all times and follow recommended CDC guidance. This page is your resource to see of any updates regarding COVID-19 protocol at an upcoming BGMC race.
Approaching the 2022 race calendar we will be keeping a close eye on national, state, and local safety guidelines for our events and changing event structure as needed to provide a safe event for our racers. As always, BGMC encourages you to be safe at all times and follow recommended CDC guidance. This page is your resource to see of any updates regarding COVID-19 protocol at an upcoming BGMC race.
Updated: 5/21/2021
With the CDC, State of Kentucky, and many local health authorities lifting COVID-19 regulations we will be revising our COVID-19 safety procedures before the next BGMC event. We will follow as the CDC, State of KY, and local health officials in Prestonsburg advise.
With the CDC, State of Kentucky, and many local health authorities lifting COVID-19 regulations we will be revising our COVID-19 safety procedures before the next BGMC event. We will follow as the CDC, State of KY, and local health officials in Prestonsburg advise.
Updated: 4/20/2021
Below are the guidelines concerning COVID-19 Safety at the 2021 BGMC Events. This document does change as new guidelines are in put into place by the CDC, State, and other health administration offices. Any participant or spectator not following the guidelines could be asked to leave the event.
Below are the guidelines concerning COVID-19 Safety at the 2021 BGMC Events. This document does change as new guidelines are in put into place by the CDC, State, and other health administration offices. Any participant or spectator not following the guidelines could be asked to leave the event.
General Guidelines:
- 150 people max per day split amongst varying age groups, classes, etc.
- Regularly provide participants with up-to-date information about COVID-19 and related procedures and policies clearly on the event website.
- Use online solutions for registration/ reservations, waivers, or payment.
- We encourage online for everything and will limit the touch points for day of signups asking that they use their phone. If that does not work we will do a paper registration for those who cannot register online.
- Participants should not attend if they show symptoms or have been around someone who has had symptoms of COVID-19.
- Discourage participants to not travel outside their region. We look for KY, OH, IN, TN, VA to be represented states at the various races with the most being from KY.
- All aspects of the event must take place in an open-air environment. This may change if regulations ease through the summer.
- We ask participants to wear masks until the start of their race while also social distancing. We will have signs out to remind people to wear a mask and stay distant of each other.
- Create self-sanitizing stations by making hand sanitizer, soap and water, or effective disinfectant available to the public at or near the entrance of facilities, at any locations where people have direct interactions, and near high-touch surfaces.
- Aid stations will have a cleaning volunteer to manage and help with trash and keep things clean. Water, food will be individually packaged and needed to be taken by the racer or thrown away after they touch it.
Registration & Packet Pick-Up:
- Pre-package packet with name affixed for pre-registered.
- Drive-thru packet pick-up for those pre-registered. As they drive into the venue they will have someone in the parking lot handing out packets. This will allow the racers to stay in their car and away from crowds more.
- Day of registration will have a distanced situation created for safety.
- Shields (plexiglass or plastic wrap) between volunteers handing out packets and participants when necessary.
- Mark six feet spacers at day of registration areas to help attendees practice safe distancing.
- When possible, offer packet pickup prior to race day.
- Temperature checks at packet pickup in drive thru, or on-site.
- Food vendors will have to have a local permit.
- Spacing will be marked 6ft foot apart for those ordering, or waiting on food.
- People will be encouraged to return to their cars to eat.
- Vendors must have space setup to be at a 6ft distance.
- Vendors are encouraged that they do digital marketing, like QR code’s, so they are not handing out paper or products.
Participants/ Spectators
- All individuals present must adhere to six-foot social distancing before, during, and after all events.
- Participants must conduct daily symptom assessments (self-evaluation). Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home.
- No spitting at any time before, during, or after events.
- All participants (not currently racing) and spectators must wear masks
- Temperature check at registration for both spectators and racers.
Post-Race Events
- Post-race events are dependent on ability to execute in an outdoor space with sufficient distancing and local guidelines.
- Awards presentations will be held virtually if sufficient distancing is not possible