Event Complete!
Like most of the world, we are doing things differently in 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions. To keep everyone safe, and still offer a challenge to runners and cyclists, we have created the BGMC Virtual Challenge 2020. This allows you to challenge yourself from a safe distance while still chasing mileage, elevation, and seeing how much you can do.
How it works:
For Runners and Cyclist:
- Road, trail, or indoor, it all counts toward your total from May 17th 2020 - August 15th 2020. Only activities during that time count.
- You submit your daily log of miles into the form found under the Virtual Challenge link in the website navigation. This is an honor system, we have a place for a Strava/GPS link, but you don't have to use it. You're racing yourself. If you cheat the numbers, you're only cheating yourself. We recommend adding photos to your Strava activity to show people how you’re being active. Feel free to title it or tag #BGMCVirtualChallenge2020
- Where do I see my total? We will have a link to a spreadsheet that keeps running totals of the submissions under the Virtual Challenge link in the navigation.
- When you purchase the race registation from the website you will be emailed a PDF to download. On that PDF you will be able to follow the directions to get started, check-in, sign the waiver, and how to log miles into the website.
What do you get?
Entry is $35!
$5 from every entry goes to the Kentucky Interscholastic Cycling League! If you want to run and bike, you need to register for each event! Just add both the running and biking item to your cart! Swag: Every entry will get a swag item at the end of the challenge along with any awards they have won. Our swag item will be an awesome neck gaiter made by BOCO gear. Awards: Awards are broken down into sections: Total Miles, Climbing, and Single Effort Days. You can be awarded for multiple achievements! See the details of the challenges below. |
NICA!$5 from every entry goes to the Kentucky Interscholastic Cycling League. This is a NICA chapter that is just getting started in the state. Supporting this group will allow for growth of youth cycling at the middle and high school levels
$10 discount to all under 18 riders/runners with code: NICA10 |
Running Challenges
Total Mileage
- 1000K Achievement - 500K Achievement - 250K Achievement |
Climbing Awards
- Black MTN. 4,144 ft (one run total) - Everest, TWICE! 58,058 ft - Everest 29,029 ft |
Single Run Achievements
- Hundred Kay (100K) (one run total) - Fiddy Kay (50K) (one run total) - 5K x 3! (15K) (one run total) |
Visit this link to see what awards are given for each challenge.
Cycling Challenges
Total Mileage:
- 3000 Mileage Achievement - 1500 Mileage Achievement - 500 Mileage Achievement |
Climbing Awards:
- Everest (29,029ft, one ride) - 100K Climbing Achievement - 50K Climbing Achievement |
Single Ride Achievements:
- Dos Hundred! (200 miles, one ride) - Solo Century (100 miles, one ride) - 50 Miles (50 miles, one ride) |
Visit this link to see what awards are given for each challenge.
Race "Check-in"
You have to "check-in" before your first effort. You cannot submit efforts until you do so!
- Once you register, you will be emailed a "check-in" link via PDF. If you didn't get it Contact Us!
- There are separate links for Run and Bike.
- The check-in adds you to our data system and will allow your submissions to work properly when submitted. The check-in also gets information, waiver, etc that is not on the registration page.
- Make sure you get your BIB Number correctly submitted in check-in, and your submissions!
Submitting Info:
- Use the link at the top of the page under the' Virtual Challenge' tab to submit mileage. Or, click HERE.
- Make sure to select Run/Bike, and add your bib number! Our computer system needs that bib number to be exact.
- When adding mileage make sure to add just the number of miles. For example: “12.4” not “12.4mi”. Same for elevation, don’t add “ft” at the end. Just leave it as the number.
- Combining activities: You can combine activities if they are on the same day and the same sport. You can’t combine bike and run, obviously. You can combine your mileage if you do two runs, or rides, in a day (24 hour time slot). If you’re doing a really long effort that goes over 24 hours that is fine, just submit it as one effort. Don’t try and push the limit too much on what is considered as one effort. You should be able to go without sleep to consider it one effort.
- Make sure your bib and name are accurate, as well as mileage, feet, etc. If you get any of this wrong that can throw off the results, and cause an error in your total.
What efforts count?
- If you register before May 17th your race begins May 17th, and will end August 15th.
- If you register after May 17th, your race begins on that day and ends August 15th. No retroactive logging miles.
- Have a race, virtually or in person? That effort can count towards this total. Log it in the system and count towards your totals.
- Do you have to run? No you can walk, or crawl if you need to. Does Road/Trail/Treadmill matter? Any of it will count. Just be honest with the submission please.
- For biking, what is legal? Mtn, Road, Indoor, are all legal. Just be honest with your submissions.
Things to know!
- Your safety is your responsibility. Do not put yourself in a situation that is not safe. Know your limits, and know your approach to your activity. These events are not worth risking health. Stay in your limits.
- The Race Director can DQ a racer for not following the guidelines for submissions, or any disorderly conduct that may happen towards other racers. This event is designed for everyone to have fun and push their own limits as a virtual community. It’s not a race, but a challenge.
Print your plate!Want a plate/bib to add to your experience and collection?
Download it here and follow the instructions to print out your own customized plate/bib! Make sure share yours and to tag it with #BGMCVirtualChallenge2020 after you print it! ![]()
This video will walk you through registration, check-in, and mileage submission.